Tuesday, July 20, 2010


capable of being heard; loud enough to be heard; actually heard.

In Football, a play called at the line of scrimmage to supersede the play originally agreed upon as the result of a change in strategy.

I'll be honest, I've never really been much of a blogger, but there have been a lot of changes in my life lately, and maybe this will be one of them. Hopefully this will get updated about once a week, maybe twice. If it doesn't get updated much at all, then I'll just delete it and we'll chalk it up to a failed experiment.

Just to make sure we're all on the same page, I've been called by the elders and the congregation of First Christian Church in Culpeper, Virginia to become their new minister. My first day preaching is August 8th, so regular updates will presumably start then. I anticipate this will be a good place to share thoughts on the goings on of my ministry and the church's ministry in general, along with successes and failures and room for comments.

I chose the name "Adam's Audibles" because this blog will feature sound bytes of my life and of my ministry-- but I also think the football definition counts as well. In a way, it has called its own audible. That's both good and bad, and maybe I'll discuss that in the coming weeks, but either way, it's exciting.

So if you're interested, come on in and join the conversation. I'm open to all points of view, and while I may not agree with you, I'll still respect you and your opinion. Let's be open and honest, and have a good time.

Also, I once had a thought, that I should get a bird and name it Sexton. I think, in the future, due to my VAST influence, the word "sexton" shall be interchangeable with the word "bird." This would not surprise me at all.

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